
playin chess with the demons
makes for stakes of the soul
makes for bruisin and bleedin
makes for names sticks and stones
makes for hiding from mirrors
makes for draggin through coals
makes you just wanna beat him

makes you want to run up a mountain
and sweat in the sunlight
feel the dirt of the earth on your skin
shed all the covers and blackout the darkness
capture captain self infliction

he dines well on your weakness
turns your doubts into wine
turns your hopes into bleakness
And puts the poison to mind

He lets you win a hand every now and then
then gets right back in your head

makes you want to run up a mountain
and sweat in the sunlight
feel the dirt of the earth on your skin
shed all the covers and blackout the darkness
capture captain self infliction 

He's been laughin for years
stoking the fires of childhood fears
you play the deck of his dealing
keeps you stumblin and kneelin
knows when to steal your healin

Time to live how you want to live
and get to clearing your head

get yourself to run up a mountain
and sweat in the sunlight
feel the dirt of the earth on your skin
shed all the covers and blackout the darkness
capture captain self infliction